Not all who wander are lost. Well this is definitely something to think about. One would think that someone that wanders is still looking for something that they haven’t found yet hence the fact that they are in fact lost. Wander after all does mean move about without a definite destination or purpose or route. I mean really now does that mean lost or what. Does to me.
On the other hand however the sentence does make some sense. The one doing the wandering might actually not be lost at all. Let me make some sense of this. They may have already found what they have been looking for and are maybe just looking for more or other things. They may be wandering in fact just to learn or discover new things. I mean what happened to expanding your horizons and adding to your knowledge.
Do you ever want to stop learning? I know that I want to learn as much as I can every day of my life. We go through life trying to grasp different things everyday. So isn’t this wandering?
So I guess its actually good to wander in a way, it might be that you aren’t lost at all, but just wandering to learn new things and meet new people. And if that’s the reason to wander ten I say wander all you want.
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