Thursday, October 8, 2009

Conventional is a good fallback position

I think that conventional should always be a FALLBACK. Conventional is safe and I think safe should always be Plan B.

I don’t think anyone should be scared to take a risk and go with their gut feelings. People shouldn’t be afraid of failing or putting their ideas out to the world. As people always say “Let your creative juices flow” and the worst thing that could happen to you is someone saying “No”. That’s the way I look at it, that is all that could possibly happen.

Don’t get me wrong conventional isn’t all that bad but it’s boring, there’s no excitement to it. I know people tend to go with what they are comfortable with and what they know. Which is good in a way, because then you know your result every time and no harm will come of it.

But the problem is if you stick to conventional then you never take chances in life and what fun is that in the end. So I say let conventional be the fallback position and take a chance now and again.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"Nothing is more dangerous than an idea when you only hae one idea" (Alain)

“Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea” (Alain). I fully agree with this statement. Think about it.

Well an idea is a great things, your ideas is what sets you apart from the rest of the world. Almost everything that exists in our world today is derived from ideas from man. Car’s, airplanes, buildings, medicine all the outcomes of ideas. Fantastic isn’t it, makes you think.

Now let’s to the part where the ideas become dangerous. The way I see it this can be very dangerous. What if that one idea was war and violence? This makes me think about Hitler and other historical tyrants who ran their countries with one idea in mind.

Scary stuff. This is obviously where one idea becomes dangerous because if that is all you see, that is all that you are going to want and human beings are determined to get exactly what they want.

So definitely ideas are great, Good things come from good ideas definitely, but when there’s one idea and nothing to counter it, that’s when it becomes dangerous

Andy Warhol said;"In the future everybody will be famous for 15 minutes" - You can't choose the 15 Minutes but why would you be world famous

15 MINUTES? Okay should I start getting excited now or later? I know that sounds a bit sarcastic to say the least but really only 15 minutes, that’s not really a lot of time. Well if that’s all the time we have to be world famous it better be good.

World Famous – imagine the whole world knowing your name and your face and knowing you for what you have done. That would be great and a truly life changing experience.

Well I can’t think of anything that I would be world famous for really, but it definitely won’t be singing or acting or anything in that line(15 minutes won’t be worth it in any case), but I would hope that I would be famous for making someone less fortunate, maybe making a difference in someone or people’s lives. That would be something worth being famous for, even if it is just for 15 minutes.

I know this sounds a bit overrated but its true what better could there be to be famous for than helping others and making a difference in the world that we live. I know I’ll be proud of that and I’m sure my family and friends will be as well. And imagine if we all decided that we wanted to be world famous for this reason. We could change the world.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

“Rock journalism is people who can’t write interviewing people who can’t talk for people who can’t read” Frank Zappa

What would the world be without critics? They are supposed to be both objective and subjective in their writing. But who are we kidding there is bias in every aspect of life, especially in the world that we live in today. And if you ask me being bias can be difficult especially when you are asked to crit a restaurant or in this case band that you actually like. What happens then?

So Frank Zappa says that Rock Journalism is people who can’t write, interviewing people who can’t talk for people who can’t read. Can someone say irritated. This is obviously the words of an irritated musician who has been criticised one too many times. What more can be said about this statement?

Honestly being a critic must require great skill because before you can write about the topic you are first required to do some research if you don’t know much about it. And can you imagine having to sit through or listen to something you don’t like. No wonder critics are so harsh.

What motivates me...

Well there is not just one thing that motivates me . I think many things that we take away from life can motivate you. We can just look around and find motivation in the world we live in.

Okay, okay that does sound a bit over the top if i must say so myself, but if you really think about it, its actually true. We are motivated by the actions of other people. When other people work hard we are motivated to work hard. When we see other people in love we are motivated to find that kind of love and the same goes for relationships with other people.

If is see someone young doing well i am motivated to keep working hard and growing myself for better things. This gets me through the bad days when you just feel like giving up, which i’ve been having alot of lately.

So basically people motivate and i guess we all motivate ourselves.

Personal autonomy – how far does it extend

Okay so the first thing I had to do before starting this log was to understand the concept of autonomy. How? I googled it of course and this is what i found.

• Independence o freedom, as of the will or one’s actions: the autonomy of the individual
• The condition of being autonomous; self-government, or the right of self-government; independence. (

Well now that i understand it the concept lets see how far it extends. Personal autonomy basically means independence. I think having independence is a vital component in any ones life. Especially in the lives of women. It definitely something we girls need to have.

Its all about doing things for yourself, carrying your own bags, driving your own car. Making you own decisions and making up your own mind. Wow, think of all the possibilities for women all over the world. Personal Autonomy is definitely important.

As far as how far it extends goes, I think it depends on the person. You can extend your personal autonomy as far as you want it to go. You set your own goals and dreams and only you know if you will be able to achieve it. We are the bearers of our own sorrow and happiness so it is up to us to decide how far our personal autonomy extends

Monday, August 17, 2009

Public Transport Strikes August 2009

From one strike to another, first the busses and taxi’s and now Metrotrail. What an inconvenience for those who make use of Public transport on a daily basis. Thousands of people were left stranded last week to the bus and taxi strikes and thousands more will experience the same today with Metrorail being on strike.

It all well and good that Golden Arrow has offered to transport regular train users using the tickets but here comes the joke, the can only use their tickets after 8.30am. Most people start work at that time so what help is that. Not much if you ask me. More of an inconvenience actually. It is quite sad though as the public transport system is the lifeline of the city and with the 2010 Soccer World Cup coming up its quite scary that our public transport system is coming loose at the seams.

Well all we can basically do now is hope and pray that something gets done. We have less than a year left to the World Cup

CPUT Strikes August 2009

Voicing your problems or opinions is all well and good, it is our right in the end, but I’m sure that there is a better way to carry yourself in certain situations, and by all means you can truly say that the strikers behaved like “a bunch of animals during the August CPUT strikes.

I understand the reasoning behind the strikes after all I too am a student that pays the same registration fees and course fees as those who striked, but you don’t see me turning into a common thief and bully to air my views about increases. This isn’t the first time that CPUT students have striked for what they wanted. But I’m sure there is a more civilized way of doing this. Isn’t there? Or is this the only way they know how to behave when things don’t go their way. It’s very sad to think about.
These strikes are unfair and unnecessary especially for those such as myself and many others who are willing to pay for their education. We always get the short end of the stick; our classes are constantly getting cancelled due to these strikes.

Well the question is “What is CPUT doing to prevent such chaos on campuses?” Let’s hope that they are doing something otherwise be prepared for more classes being missed.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Every day is a good day

Well wouldn’t we all just love for everyday to be a good day? How great would that be? However these are the words of a true optimist who sees everyday as a positive venture into the future. But I hate to be the bearer of bad news but every day is not a good day, not in the world that we live in today.

I’m sure this is the way that we should think. We should be able to tell ourselves everyday that today is going to be a good day, but with the stresses and pressure in everyday life how is that possible. We can only do as much as we can to make our day as good as we can, but when reality hits and life happens there’s nothing that we can do especially when the bad day takes over.

I know that I am thinking very negatively and people always say that we are still young and ask what could make our lives so hectic, I always say step into my shoes for a day or two and you’ll see.

I’m not saying however that it is impossible to have a good days. I mean I have great days; it’s just that every day is not a good day.

Our greatest strengths are our greatest weaknesses

Our greatest Strengths are our greatest weaknesses. I am not entirely sure if I agree with this statement. Aren’t we meant to gain strength from our weaknesses and grow on that? I’m not really sure how a strength can actually turn around to become a weakness.

Of course it’s important for each person to know where there strengths and weaknesses lie but a strength becoming a weakness. This topic really got me thinking and after a few scratched on the head and a few questions here and there, I realized that this is actually possible; our greatest strengths can become our greatest weakness.

Okay here’s how: Have you ever noticed how when someone realises that they are really good at something, the head starts to inflate and they find themselves floating above everyone and everything else. That’s just it. When people realise their strengths, they allow it to go to their heads and the it in turn becomes their weaknesses. There are many examples in the world we live in. Good actors or singers with ridiculous demands. Sports stars. The minute they realise the crowd loves them and they are good at what they do, the head inflates.

So after much contemplation about the statement our greatest strengths can actually become our greatest weaknesses.

Feelings follow Behaviour

I'm not sure what this means exactly because isn’t behaviour supposed to follow feelings. How is it possible for feelings to follow behaviour? Isn’t your behaviour a reaction to what you are feeling at that moment?

Okay I think I’m confusing myself as well as everyone else. Let’s attempt to break it down. I suppose this statement could work both ways around because if you think about it our feelings influence our behaviour and our behaviour influences our feelings. If you do something wrong it impacts your feelings. If you do something good it impacts your feelings. So, in a way, I guess this statement is right, Feelings do follow behaviour.

Wow isn’t it amazing how we (human beings) work. We are very much in tune with our emotions or feelings. That is why it is so important for us to manage those feelings or emotions effectively because if it impacts on our behaviour we really need to be careful. Who knows what we will do when we are angry. Scary to think about, isn’t it.

So yes Feelings definitely follows behaviour and vice versa.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

It is better to practice a little than talk a lot.

Have you ever heard of the sayings “Talk is cheap”, “Actions speak louder than words” and “Practice what you preach”. Well this is exactly that. It is better to practice than talk a lot. It is much easier to say that you are going to do something than actually doing it. I always say if you want to do something you will do it.

I believe that is someone really wanted to do something they won’t be standing in front of me telling me that they want to do it. If you really wanted to do it, it would have been done and you would be telling me that you have done it. It makes sense to me because that is what I would do.

People are very quick to say things that they think others would want hear or make promises to make people happy. I say whatever. I don’t listen to “ I wills” and don’t take note of promises, if it were true, it would have been done and that is what I live by.

So I say talk is cheap and practice what you preach otherwise you won’t get very far in life.

It is a poor idea to lie to yourself

Well talk about cheating yourself. I don’t need to say this twice it is DEFINITELY a bad idea to lie to yourself. I think lying to yourself is a form of escapism and if that’s what your intentions are then something is really wrong and the warning lights above your head should be flashing like crazy.

When you lie to yourself you are in actual fact trying to take yourself out of a situation which you put yourself in. I would say that this is a very bad idea. Grow up and take responsibility for your actions. People who lie to themselves can’t cope in or take control of the situation that they are in. By lying to yourself you only make the problem worse and makes a mountain out of a molehill.

After saying all this however I must admit that I have fallen prey to this myself. It’s hard to admit but I think everyone lies to themselves almost everyday of their lives. The smoker who says that one day they will quit but never makes any attempts to do so. The student who convinces themselves that the night before the exam is the best time to study because they do their best under pressure. We’ve all done it. I don’t think there is a way of escaping it actually.

Not all who wander are lost.

Not all who wander are lost. Well this is definitely something to think about. One would think that someone that wanders is still looking for something that they haven’t found yet hence the fact that they are in fact lost. Wander after all does mean move about without a definite destination or purpose or route. I mean really now does that mean lost or what. Does to me.

On the other hand however the sentence does make some sense. The one doing the wandering might actually not be lost at all. Let me make some sense of this. They may have already found what they have been looking for and are maybe just looking for more or other things. They may be wandering in fact just to learn or discover new things. I mean what happened to expanding your horizons and adding to your knowledge.

Do you ever want to stop learning? I know that I want to learn as much as I can every day of my life. We go through life trying to grasp different things everyday. So isn’t this wandering?

So I guess its actually good to wander in a way, it might be that you aren’t lost at all, but just wandering to learn new things and meet new people. And if that’s the reason to wander ten I say wander all you want.

Friday, May 15, 2009

How do you step off a 100-foot pole

UMMM …… I suggest you don’t. That would be one of the worst decisions you will ever make in your life. So I suggest if you ever find yourself in that kind of situation just stay there and try and get help.

And by the way how did you end up there in the first place.

Obviously this whole stepping off a 100 foot pole thing has to have some kind of figurative meaning, well obviously because what person is literally going to find themselves stuck on top of a 100-foot pole, unless they have a serious death wish.

Okay well the 100-foot poll could stand for some kind of challenges that you could be facing in your life and the stepping off part could be ways of overcoming those challenges. Well I think every person has there own ways of dealing with challenges in their lives. Some might say that they will take the bull by the horns and jump right off that pole and get it over and done with and some might be stuck with regards to dealing with their challenges and end up backing down and just staying up on that pole.

So in a figurative sense I’d say jump right off that 100-foot pole. Literally I would say just stay right there.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

We are what we do

I fully agree with this statement. It is very true. I have always been amazed at how people conform to the things they do. This statement plays a big role when it comes to your work life as well. People definitely become “what they do”.

I’m sure that we can think of one person in every profession possible that have become so involved with what they do that they live it outside the workplace. Take the communications expert, they live, eat and sleep communications. The editor of a bicycling magazine that rides a bicycle. The editor of a health magazine that conforms to what they teach other people everyday and starts looking after herself and ser body. The journalist that’s always looking for a story. We conform because this is the place where we spend most of our time and it’s almost a must to live the brand.

We do it too. I mean I work for a publishing company that publishes health magazine. I’ve now started going to the gym and eating “healthier”. Maybe I’m conforming or maybe I’ve just had my eyes opened to the risks that I wouldn’t have known unless I had worked here.

The things around us definitely influence us in certain ways so yes we are definitely what we do

We are afraid of the wrong things

Is it at all possible to be afraid of the wrong thing. In the world that we live in today I won’t be surprised if anyone isn’t afraid of any possible thing they could be afraid of. Does that make sense? With all the things we have to live with today, such as drugs, crime, death etc, I’d be quite scared of what is in store for us.

Okay, The above is physical things that we experience and see every day, so it is obvious when thinking about that to say what I have just said above. However there are other things that we go through daily that could justify the statement that we really are afraid of the wrong things.

For instance, people are afraid to love again after being hurt (soppy I know but true, but why lose your faith in people.), people are afraid of the world coming to an end , people are afraid of their mother in laws, the are afraid of getting stuck without petrol or even driving in the rain and even taking public transport. I feel that these things are really the wrong things to be afraid of, its things we have to live with and get over.

I think once we overcome our fear of the unknowing life could be pretty good. And once we start being afraid of the right things, we will be more aware of the wrong things to be afraid of.

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Colour of the Wind

What colour is the wind? Does the wind actually have any colour? So as you can see this topic and questions actually confused me a bit.

It takes me back to the days of Pocahontas and her song “The Colours of the Wind” She’ll be singing “Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains?Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?” and all these streams of purples and tans and browns comes across the screen. That is literally what came to mind when I read the topic. Takes you back doesn't it.

Anyway, not to be side tracked about the goings on of Pocahontas, lets get back to the colours of the wind. I think each and every person has there own perception of what the colours of the wind could be and I doubt there could possibly be one right answer, unless we attempt to get scientific. I think its all in the imagination.

For me the colour of the wind changes every season: See below:
Summer: Crispy blue
Winter: Gray and dark
Autumn: Yellow and browns
Spring: Pinks and Purples.

And for me that’s what I can only imagine the colours of the wind could be.
So as you can see everyone has there own perceptions of what the colours of the wind can be, one just has to make use of one’s imagination tot truly see it.

Monday, March 2, 2009


If I was the boss!! Wow what a thought! Thinking about it alone gives me Goosebumps. So obviously you should know by now that this concept goes down very good with me! Wow you have no idea what I would do if I was a boss.

Firstly if I was a boss there would be quite a few things that would change in the normal workplace as we know it! Things definitely would not be the same if Kim Biggs was the boss! Well first thing that would change is salaries. I believe that those who work hard should be rewarded and that what you pay people is what you should expect to get. That is definitely something to live by!

Secondly I would change the work environment, no shouting, no screaming (believe me this is what you get in some work places, I should know). A work environment should be accommodating and you should want to be there. We do spend more time at work than any where else so why shouldn’t it accommodate to your needs. I know that this sounds a bit far fetched but it is very true.

The third thing that I would improve on in the workplace if I was the boss is Communication. COMMUNICATION, COMMUNICATION, COMMUNICATION. I’ve repeated it so much time because it is just that important. Without the correct communication methods in place, things would be pretty chaotic wouldn’t it?

So basically if I were the boss, staff would be happier and more satisfied, they would get the respect that they deserve and the work would then be of a higher standard. Big Dreams, I know! Big Dreams!

SA Bands suck!

That sounds a bit harsh doesn’t it, especially when we have so much amazing talent on our doorstep! Don’t get me wrong there really is some worse for wear bands around South Africa, but really now did you hear some of the great South African bands lately, they will make anyone who has said the above statement eat their words!

South Africans too often compare the quality of our bands with the “Green Days” , “ Daughtry” and “ Cranberry’s” etc of the so called first world countries. If you were doing this all I have to say to you is WRONG MOVE. Obviously we can’t compare to these bands.

What is a bit irritating though is that South African bands just can’t be South African. On many occasions when hearing or seeing South African bands I get the tendency to just want to pick up the remote and change the channel. However there are many bands that’s just like a breath of fresh air and I think when people hear South African they have this stereotype in their head already of what to expect.

But with bands such as Freshly Ground, the Parlotones, Goldfish, Watershed etc etc etc, and believe me this list goes on, there is no way that any one can say that South African bands suck. Come on, we are being recognized on a music level internationally, doesn’t that say a lot! So I think that everyone thinking that SA bands suck should change their mindset and start SUPPORTING!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Designer PR

Designer PR? Doesn't it sound new and hip and happening. It does doesn't it. But would this "new" type of PR be accepted by the big bosses of the business World. Well we'll just have to wait and see.

Honestly, when i first heard that Public Relations would be moved from the Business faculty (Where we've been trying desperately to prove ourselves as business minded people and not the PR "Poppies" as we are usually stereotyped to be) to the design and Informatics faculty my first thoughts were " What are they doing?". I thought that this was the first step to destroying everything that professionals in the industry have been working towards. That is being able to be recognised in a business environment by management as an integral part of the business or management process. I really thought that this move signalled the end for Public Relations as we know it. It sounds dramatic i know, but could be very true.

After reading Marian Pike's article however my mind started opening up to the idea and it really didn't seem all that bad after all. Don't get me wrong i can still give you many reasons why it's a bad move for the industry, but i now understand that there might just be a glimmer of hope in what i thought was bad. If you take the time to really think about it The faculty of informatics and design stands for new and innovative ideas and ways of thinking. Its about originality and finding new ways to capture attention and getting information across. This is exciting as this is what professionals in the industry should be striving for in their work. This could also finally be the chance that we have to separate ourselves from advertising and marketing, which the PR function for some reason still falls under.

Although this term might seem demeaning for those fighting to be recognognised as one of the top functions on the organogram and it could pose as yet another challenge for us, it could also be a good opportunity showing off our creativity and ability to think "out of the box".
All that we can do now is hope for the best and hope that this new "Designer PR" is accepted.